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Guidance on Malpractice for Exams


This document is intended for:

ABE Exam invigilators

Here at EDUWEB College we have developed a video that will help you to ensure that the exams run as smoothly as possible and minimize any opportunities for malpractice. Malpractice is any form of cheating before, during or after an exam.

Before the Exams

As a starting point, it’s mandatory that you are familiar with the College’s malpractice policies, instructions and documentations as well as ABE’s instructions for conducting examinations*. All examination documents are available on the College’s website and can be downloaded at any time. These are your go-to documents for exam rules and regulations.

The best chance you have in avoiding malpractice is to make sure that you’re carefully prepared for what you will need to do before the start of the exam. We hope that you review the *ABE Timed Open Book Exam (OBE) Guide and The ABE Assignment Guide.  So please make this your top priority and read them before the exams, as it will help you to plan ahead, and take the necessary steps to avoid malpractice. It will also provide many answers to the questions that you may have. The documents are available to all students and staff and can be accessed electronically and downloaded from the Staff Area and the Student Area webpages respectively.  Examiners will be given a printed or electronic copy and a meeting with examiners will be held before the exams to address and questions or concerns. 

To avoid malpractice, it’s important that you explain to students how exams are going to be conducted and what is expected of them. Students must be made aware what they are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do. They need to understand clearly what exam conditions are. Students should not be allowed to use their phone or a smart watch in the exam. Students must comply with the ABE’s rules and exam regulations.

Before the Exams

It is mandatory that you are familiar with the College’s malpractice policies, instructions and documentations as well as the ABE Timed Open Book Exam (OBE) Guide and the ABE Assignment Guide.  The documents are available to all students and staff and can be accessed electronically from the Staff Area and the Student Area of the College’s website. These documents provide answers to many of the questions that you may have and are your go-to documents for exam rules and regulations.

It’s also important that students understand how exams are to be conducted and what is expected of them. Students must be made aware of what they are allowed and not allowed to do. They need to understand the ABE’s exam rules and regulations. Finally, a meeting with examiners will be held before the exams to address questions and concerns.  

The examination rules and regulations will be on display in the examination rooms at the College. However, if there is an issue that examiners are unable to deal with, then the Academic Director of the College, (Mr. Nigel Polar) should be contacted immediately.

During & After the Exams 

There are several key things to consider that may arise during the exams. Such include:

  • Are the exam papers correct and do you have the right amount of exam papers?
  • Are the walls and surrounding free from any unauthorized learning materials?
  • Are the exam tables adequately spaced out?
  • Have all notices and exam rules and regulations been read out so that all students could hear? The examiners must be heard from all corners of the room.
  • Are students aware of the start and finish exam times?
  • Do you have the correct number of examiners? 
  • Are the examiners aware of what is required of them?
  • Are students aware that they must switch off cell phones and smart watches during the exams.
  • Are students aware that they must not have any unauthorized materials on them during the exams. Such as revision notes etc.
  • Is there any visible learning material displayed in the exam room, other than the ABE specified materials?
  • Is the room suitable to allow for students to be adequately spaced? Recommended- six (6) feet apart.
  • Is there a working clock visible to all students at the front of the exam room? Check and ensure it can be seen at the back of the exam room as well. This can be a digital or analogue clock.
  • Do you have the correct exam paper?
  • Is the exam rules read loud enough by the examiners so that students at the back of the exam room can hear clearly what is said?
  • Phones and smart watches are not allowed in the exam.

Attention must be given to these issues as they may constitute a malpractice if not properly addressed. So, plan ahead on these key issues. Invigilators must be well trained, as this well help the exam to run smoothly and avoid instances of malpractice.

Expectations of Examiners

  • Examiners are expected to supervise the students throughout the duration of the time the exam is in progress. They must give their complete attention to this duty.
  • An ‘Exam Incident Log’, should be used to record any issues or incidents that occur during the exam. This may include-toilet breaks, disruptive behaviors etc.
  • Examiners are required to move around quietly at frequent intervals in the exam room.
  • Examiners must know how to call for help if needed.
  • Students should be removed from exam rooms if they are disruptive and prevent other students from writing the exams.
  • Teachers of the exam students are not allowed in the exam room and are not allowed to invigilate that exam. 
  • Ensure arrangements have been made (whenever possible) for students who qualify for reasonable adjustment or special considerations (according to the ABE policy).
  • Verify students by using a picture identification.  Their identification must be visible throughout the exam.
  • There must be an Exam Attendance Register. This will allow absent students to be identified and contacted on their whereabouts.

It is equally important that examiners are clear on the process for ending an exam. Invigilators must:

  • Tell students to stop the exam after the full exam time has passed.
  • Remind students they are still under exam conditions.
  • All disruptions (unruly behaviour, restroom breaks etc.) are documented in the Exam Incident Log.
  • Instruct students to check on all the necessary details they have to complete on their answer booklet or answer sheet. Such as their candidate name, student candidate number etc.
  • Students who are permitted extra time should be allowed to carry on uninterrupted for the necessary additional time.

Completed Exams

  • Once the exam has ended, invigilators must collect all the scripts, test sheets, question papers etc. before students are allowed to leave the exam room
  • Verify and check that there is an exam sheet for every student marked as present on the exam attendance register. The names on the scripts must match the details on the register. 
  • Place each script in the order shown on the Exam Attendance Register. Then place in a secure carrier case.
  • Give the exam papers/ test scripts to exam officer/ person responsible for dispatch.

It is important to remember that student exam scripts are confidential and should not be read or photocopied after the exam. Exam scripts must be sent the same day as the exams, unless otherwise stipulated by the exam board. Exam scripts that cannot be sent the same day, because of (time difference) must be kept securely in the College’s safe overnight and then sent the next working day to the awarding body. This must be sent with the recommended ABE student log sheet (verify name of sheet).

If an issue should arise in the exam room it should be logged in the Exam Incident Log. Each case of malpractice or suspected malpractice, must be reported promptly to the ABE exam board. Failure to report any suspected cases or case of malpractice is an offence of itself and can carry a sanction. If a student or staff member is suspected of malpractice, then you should use the ‘ABE Malpractice Incident Report Form’ to notify the exam board.  This form can be found on the College’s website. It should then be sent to the ABE programme manager to be processed and sent to the approved ABE representative. 

In the case that you’re not sure what constitutes as malpractice, then you should review the EDUWEB College’s training manual for a description on what constitutes as malpractice. All reported incidents must be related to the College Head.

Malpractice Investigation

If a malpractice investigation has started, then the head of the College has a duty to cooperate with the exam board. They must provide any information or materials to the investigating exam board to help them complete their investigation. Failure to cooperate with an investigation, or respond to a request from the exam board, is in itself malpractice.   

I hope that this video has given you some helpful information ahead of your next exams. For more information, please refer to the following EDUWEB College documents on Malpractice.

PDF icon Download Conflict of Interest Policy and Disclosure Form.pdf (541.84 KB)

File Download ABE_Malpractice_Incident_Report_Form.docx (54.34 KB)

PDF iconDownload ABE Malpractice Policy v4.2 CLEAN.pdf (169.94 KB)
