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Policy Statement

EDUWEB College believes that all employees of the College have vital roles in the provision of the academic, administrative and support services that we offer.  We are committed to providing our employees with good working conditions in a safe work environment.  To this end, EDUWEB College shall endeavor to provide working conditions, compensation packages and opportunities for personal growth and professional development based on fair and equitable standards for all employees.

Policy Handbook

This policy handbook has been developed for all staff and faculty staff (hereinafter called staff members) in order to provide information to enable you to become and remain a more productive member of staff.  The intention of this handbook is to serve as a guide to the company policies, procedures, and practices.

The following four (4) sections of this policy handbook outlines the Standard Practices and Procedures that EDUWEB College adheres to regarding the management and growth of our Human Resources. 

Section 1 – Fair Working Conditions 


Vacant positions shall be recruited for and filled according to the Equal Opportunity Policy of EDUWEB College.

Qualifications for Employees

EDUWEB College shall employ persons on the basis of merit without unlawful discrimination due to race, religion, color, national origin, age, gender, disability, or status with regard to marriage or public assistance.  The College may require that appropriate tests be taken to evaluate qualifications of an applicant for a position.  Educational and experiential credentials shall be verified at the sole discretion of the College.


EDUWEB College shall conduct an orientation programme for all new employees to properly introduce the College and to orient them to our operations.  Employee orientation shall include sensitization to the corporate culture and philosophy of the College, educational and career opportunities available to them, awareness of the College’s Health and Safety and various Policies.


New employees shall be in a probationary status until an evaluation is completed prior to the end of the initial three months of employment.  During such period, the employee may be terminated with one week’s notice with no right to appeal.  One week’s pay may be given in lieu of notice.  Employees who elect to resign during the probationary period are requested to give one week’s notice.

Hours of Work

EDUWEB College reserves the right to modify an employee’s work schedule, as well as the number of hours, worked to accommodate the College’s needs. As a general rule, the working week consists of 40 hours.  The hours of work for contract workers should be specified in the contract.  Part-time employees shall work as needed during peak periods.

Attendance & Punctuality

All Staff members are expected to report to work each scheduled workday and must be ready to commence their duties at the appointed time. If this cannot be done, the relevant supervisor must be informed as soon as possible.  A fifteen (15) minute grace period will be allowed.  Tardiness beyond this grace period will result in a pay deduction of at least one (1) hour.  Staff members who are tardy, absent or who leave work without excuse may be guilty of misconduct. 


An employee should notify their supervisor by telephone (no voice mail or e-mail) if they are sick and will not be present at work. This must be done as soon as possible before your starting time. Staff members who are absent from work due to illness for two (2) consecutive days must present a physician’s statement.  Repeated absences and/or tardiness for any reason may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination. Note: unjustified absences shall result in non-payment of salaries for the said days.


Staff members must observe confidentiality of information at all times. Such information would include material relating to stakeholders and to their business transactions with the college, to other members of staff and to College matters which are not public knowledge. Note: legal action will be pursued if it is found that an employee is in breach of this confidentiality clause.  An employee could be dismissed if found to be guilty of divulging confidential information.


Personal leave may be granted to full-time staff members:

  1. In the event of death of an employee’s immediate family or of other unforeseen or urgent private circumstance, an employee may be granted, at the discretion of management, a period of leave to meet the requirements of the case.
  2. Where an employee needs to attend to urgent personal business that cannot be done outside of the normal hours of work, personal leave may be granted at the discretion of management. 
  3. Where an employee has no recourse to any other type of leave stated previously, time off without pay will be granted only for exceptional cases. This should not be more than for one month in duration and must be made in writing.

This does not apply for non-permanent Staff members.

Maternity Leave

A female employee will be eligible for maternity leave comprising one (1) month with full pay and two (2) months with half pay on the following conditions: 

  1. She has completed one year’s continuous service.
  2. She informs the company at least eight weeks before the expected due date of confinement and submits a medical certificate stating the probable date of confinement.

Injury Leave

EDUWEB College employees are entitled to work-related injury leave with full pay for up to five scheduled workdays (40 hours or normal number of hours scheduled in a week (including temporary employees)).  This injury arising out of and in the course of employment is not charged to vacation leave or sick leave. Absence from work for more than five days due to a work-related injury will reduce the total days of eligibility for sick leave.

Employees receiving workers’ compensation for job-related injuries or disease may use sick and/or vacation leave to supplement the payment up to, but not to exceed, their regular rate of pay.

For a full-time employee disabled with a work-related injury, a position will be held open as long as the department can function with the vacant position (not later than one year after the date of injury). If during the one-year period following the injury the employee is released by the attending physician for any kind of work duty, the employee will be reinstated. 

Sick Leave

Sick leave of twelve (12) days per year is a benefit granted to full-time permanent employees and is considered to be earned by the employee such as annual leave.  Sick leave may be used by an employee when the employee is ill or injured and is unable to work or has an appointment for the diagnosis or treatment of a medically related condition.   If an employee becomes ill for more than two consecutive days of work, medical proof of illness must be submitted to EDUWEB College

Funeral Leave and Jury Duty

An approved absence from work, with pay, of up to two work days, may be provided to full-time employee to attend or make arrangements for a funeral, as a result of a death in the employee’s family, or in the family of an employee’s spouse.  Funeral leave for employees working less than forty hours per week will be prorated.  

An employee shall be allowed leave with pay for jury or other legal duty when subpoenaed for such service.  Any compensation received for such duty shall be retained by the employee.

Leave without Pay

Leave without pay may be granted to full-time employees who have maintained a satisfactory service record.  Such leave may be taken for the following reasons: 

  1. extended absences in the interest of the institution such as for research or advanced training leading to improved job ability, 
  2. necessary absences due to illness or other important matters.  Leave without pay requires approval of the Administrative Director.


If an employee feels unfairly treated or has a complaint, the employee shall first discuss the issue with the immediate supervisor in an attempt to solve the problem at the lowest level possible.  The discussion may include others within the supervisory chain.  

If the grievance is not settled at the lowest supervisory level, the employee shall advance the written grievance to the next level of supervision within ten working days.  The advanced grievance must include a written grievance statement, the supervisory responses, and a letter describing the disagreement with the supervisory responses.  The supervisor shall reply in writing to the employee’s grievance within ten working days.  

Discipline & Dismissal

A regular staff employee may be dismissed from employment or suspended without pay for just cause.  Just cause includes conduct related to the employee’s job duties, job performance, or working relationships which is detrimental to the discipline or efficiency of the institution in which the employee is or was engaged.  The employee must be notified, in writing, of the final decision.  

A notice of dismissal, suspension without pay, or change to lower pay rate shall include a written, detailed statement of the basis for the action and inform the employee of the right to appeal.


Full-time employees of EDUWEB College are requested to give one month’s written notice to the Administrative Director.  One week’s notice is requested for temporary and probationary employees.  An exit interview should be conducted with the employee before they leave.

Termination of Employment

If you decide to leave your position, the College requests that, if possible, you provide. Management with a minimum of two weeks written notice in advance, stating your reasons for leaving. 

Job Abandonment

If an employee is absent from work for three (3) consecutive working days without informing his supervisor/manager, he will be deemed to have abandoned his job.

Section 2 – Compensation Packages and Vacation


Employees shall be hired at a rate consistent with the existing industry standard, with consideration given to educational levels, experience and job performance.  Upon successful completion of the initial probation period, an employee may be eligible for an upward salary adjustment.  The amount of the adjustment may vary depending on such factors as performance and budget appropriations.  An employee evaluation form must be completed before the probationary adjustment is approved.  EDUWEB College shall not grant automatic salary increases.  

An employee of EDUWEB College may accept employment outside the institution if such employment does not interfere or conflict with the employee’s regular duties or responsibilities and is outside the regular working hours.

Salaries are normally payable by the last day in the month.   Payments are usually made through the Staff members’ bank account but may be paid by cash or cheque.


Overtime compensation at a time-and-one-half rate shall be provided to full-time employees when hours worked exceed forty hours in a work week.  Compensatory time off at a time and one-half rate may be provided in lieu of cash overtime payments upon prior agreement.  Overtime hours shall be assigned on an equitable basis and must be authorized by the appropriate officer of the College.  

Vacation Leave 

Annual leave with pay is earned by full time permanently employed employees of EDUWEB College for the purposes of spending time in rest and recreation.  Annual leave with pay is earned on the basis of continuous service from date of employment as follows:

First through third year – 12 days per year

Fourth through seventh year – 15 days per year

Eighth through twelfth year – 18 days per year

Thirteenth through eighteenth year – 21 days per year

Over eighteen years – 24 days per year

Years of service shall be computed from employment anniversary date.

Full-time staff is eligible to accumulate annual leave which shall be carried forward on January 1 of each year.  Accumulation of annual leave should not be encouraged by the College.

PAYE, NIS, and Health Surcharge

EDUWEB College shall remit PAYE, NIS, and Health Surcharge payments on behalf of all employees to the Board of Inland Revenue.  These payments shall be consistent with that provided by Board of Inland Revenue.

Group Health Insurance and Life Insurance

The College may provide employees with group health and life insurance options.  These options may provide protection against major illnesses and shall be extended to all employees.  If provided, the cost of coverage shall be shared between EDUWEB College and each insured employee.

Pension Plan

Currently, the college has no pension plan.  When one is chosen, all permanent (confirmed) staff members over the age of eighteen (18) will be invited to become members of the Contributory Pension Plan on the anniversary date of their employment.  All eligible staff members who are interested will be provided with a copy of the Pension Plan Rules.


The normal age of retirement date for all College Staff members is the employee’s 60th birthday.

Section 3 – Professional Growth and Development

Performance and Career Development

Performance development can improve employee performance at all levels of employment.  At the completion of an employee’s probationary period and once a year thereafter, each employee of the College shall participate in a performance development review.  This includes:

  • The mutual review of job responsibilities to ensure they accurately represent the employee’s contributing role in the College’s overall mission; 
  • A mutually agreed upon performance development plan which includes an annual review and discussion of the progress made in accomplishing established goals
  • Determination of an employee’s future training needs and the necessary resources to achieve the goals
  • Solicitation and follow-up on suggestions for continuous improvement of organizational processes and systems within which the employee works.
  • A process chart which shall map the employee’s options and opportunities for career advancement at the College.

Continuing Education for Employees of EDUWEB College

EDUWEB College encourages its employees to pursue a program of continuing education.  All employees are eligible for tuition waivers on all professional courses offered by the College and may be allowed release time from their regular duties for the purpose of attending classes.  

Note: Release time granted should not interfere with the essential work of the institution

Study & Examination Leave

EDUWEB College recognizes and supports staff members in the pursuit of self-development and grants paid study leave of one day per subject plus one additional day up to a maximum of six (6) days per calendar year.  This is exclusive of vacation leave.  Only one course of study will be approved per calendar year.

Such leave, however, is not an entitlement and the timing of such leave will be at the discretion of Management and subjected to the exigencies of the College.  Prior approval for the course of study will be required.  Examination days will be allowed as authorized time-off on the condition that prior approval has been granted for the course of study.

Section 4 – Contract employees

Contract employees

EDUWEB College will employ several staff members on a contractual basis when necessary.  Contractual staff shall be remunerated at an agreed hourly rate and shall not be eligible for paid sick leave, vacation days or overtime compensation.  Contractual employees shall also be responsible for making arrangements to remit P.AY.E, NIS, and Health Surcharge to the Board of Inland Revenue.   

Contract employees of the College shall agree to and sign a written contract of work which details the terms and conditions for provision of services to EDUWEB College.

Section 5 – Personal Files

Employee Records

  • These include job descriptions, resumes, records of training, performance appraisals and personal data.  These files shall be kept confidential and all necessary approval shall be sought from the Administrative Director for viewing by the employee in his / her presence.

Personal Information

The College’s objective is to keep accurate and up to date information on its Staff members. Each employee has a responsibility to inform the college of any change of status in the following areas: marital status, home address, telephone number, name, educational programs being undertaken, educational attainment

Staff Loans

Staff loans are given at the sole discretion of the College Governing body.

Staff Involvement with Political Activities

The policy of the College is one of non-alignment with any political party. While staff members are encouraged to participate in community and national activities, their engagement in political activity must not compromise the political impartiality of the College. 

The College will not discourage any employee from taking active part in politics, however, no political activity should be conducted in the College’s name or on College time or involve use of College property and resources

Alcohol and Illegal Drugs

The College’s goal is to maintain a drug-free workplace. The possession, distribution or use of illegal drugs, and the unauthorized possession or use of alcohol, while on duty or on College premises are strictly prohibited.

Public Holidays

All public holidays are observed by the College. 

Health & Safety

It is the College’s policy to take all practical steps to ensure a safe and healthy working environment. We are equally committed to protect the public, college property, our customers and the environment from events that could cause harm due to our operations. 

Staff members are equally responsible for ensuring that high standards of health and safety are developed and maintained in the workplace. To this end, health and safety rules at the workplace must be followed at all times.

As an employee, you have the right and responsibility to bring to the attention of Management conditions that are unsafe so that corrective action can be taken.  


Security personnel are responsible for maintaining law and order, and for protecting the company’s property and premises. All staff members must cooperate with the security personnel in the performance of their security functions.

Personal Conduct 

Staff members are expected to behave honorably in their official, private and social relationships so that their actions in no way reflect adversely on the College.

  1. Observation of the Laws of the country:
    The College has a legal obligation to observe the laws of the State. In light of this, wherever it has reason to suspect or know that an employee has violated the law, the Police will be notified.
  2. Code of Ethics:
    All Staff members are required to conduct themselves with integrity and honesty.
  3. Eating on the job / Cell phone use
    It is improper to eat, drink or chew gum when interacting with others.  Minimize personal cell phone use during working hours unless deemed necessary.
  4. Smoking
    Smoking is not permitted on the compound or where there is a risk of fire. “No Smoking” signs must be observed.  Please see our Smoking policy on our website.
  5. Alcoholic Beverages
    Drinking of alcoholic beverages on the job is not permitted. An employee who violates this rule will be subjected to immediate dismissal.
  6. Illegal Drugs
    Possession/handling, sale or use of illegal drugs is against the law. Use of drugs affects an employee work performance and can pose serious risks to fellow staff members. As a consequence, possession/use of such drugs will result in a report made to the Police and instant dismissal.
  7. Theft
    An employee who is accused of theft or is caught or admits to or is in collusion with others is liable to arrest and prosecution before the Courts.  If convicted, staff member will face dismissal.
  8. Weapons
    Weapons and ammunition are potential safety hazards. The possession, storage, use or display of weapons or ammunition is inappropriate in the College community.  Please see our Wepons policy on the College website.  
  9. College Stationery
    College stationery, Bill Books and all documents that are used in the daily operations of the company including College letterheads and envelopes are for College use.  Such stationery must not be used for writing personal notes and letters. An employee who violates this rule will be subjected to disciplinary action and possible legal action.
  10. The College’s facilities, equipment, supplies, and personnel are to be used exclusively for the furtherance of the College’s goals.

Conflict of Interest

Staff members may not take or use for themselves or divulge to others any business opportunity in which the College has or can reasonably be expected to have an interest.

Acceptance of Gifts

The acceptance of gifts considered to be substantial or extravagant must be reported to Management. 

Telephone & Cellphone Usage

Telephones are for the College’s purposes. Personal calls (both incoming and outgoing) should not interfere with official calls and should be kept to a minimum. Staff members must not use the College phone for personal calls, and cell phone use should be minimized during working hours,

Staff members must also be concerned with the proper usage of the College phone:-

  • Answer the telephone promptly, (and certainly by the third ring) whether or not it is on your desk.
  • Ensure messages are delivered to the appropriate person
  • Speak in a professional manner, indicative of a business environment.

Internet & Email Use

The College’s computer facilities should not be used for personal use.  The College provides other Internet connections for general use by staff and students. Visiting certain sites may pose a risk to the company’s equipment and data.

Personal Appearance

All employees are asked to use good judgment with regard to their dress and appearance. For all staff members, professional appearance also means that the College expects you to maintain good grooming and hygiene while working. On approved casual days, employees may dress in business casual clothing and staff members meeting with visitors should wear appropriate business attire. Under no circumstances should employees wear halter tops, strapless tops, spaghetti straps, tank tops, cropped tops, tee shirts with offensive wording, tight or torn clothing, or clothing with holes in it. All clothing must be clean, neat, and fit properly. 

Employee Communication

The college tries at all times to keep employees informed on issues that affect them. This is done in several ways including memoranda, meetings and electronic methods.


We urge you to refer to this handbook as required and to adhere to its terms and conditions. As an employee, your success with EDUWEB College depends to a large extent on you, your flexibility, your willingness to learn, to adapt to new situations, and to constantly strive for excellence and self-improvement.

We wish you all success.


This handbook is not intended to create an employment contract, express or implied, and in no way serves to modify the “at will” employment relationship between the employee and employer.  Either party may choose to terminate the employment / contract relationship at any time, with or without cause.

Appendix I

Professional code of conduct 

Employees of EDUWEB College shall adhere to the values of the college and shall act with integrity and respect for others. The following will be deemed as misconduct and subjected to disciplinary action, suspension or immediate dismissal.

1. Falsifying or altering any timekeeping record, work schedule or payroll record. Intentionally falsifying another employee’s timesheet or allowing someone else to falsify a timesheet, removing any timekeeping record from the designated area without proper authorization or destroying such a record. 

2. Falsification of the employment application or providing false or misleading information, or making material omissions in any documents or records prior to or during one’s employment. 

3. Falsification of any official document, which includes any and all EDUWEB College records. 

4. Failure to report breakage or damage to machinery or equipment immediately. 

5. Possession of firearms, weapons or any other hazardous or dangerous devices or substances onto EDUWEB College property. 

6. Theft (unauthorized removal, storage, transfer, utilization) of property from fellow staff members, the staff, clients. This includes items found on EDUWEB College premises. All items must be reported and be turned into the Administrative Office and placed into the Lost and Found area immediately upon discovery. 

7. Insubordination, including improper conduct toward a supervisor or representative of management or failure to obey or to perform work assigned by a supervisor. 

8. Disorderly conduct of any kind, including the use of profane, discourteous, abusive or rude language or action against another employee, supervisor, guest or others. 

9. Selling, purchasing, using, consuming, possessing, manufacturing, distributing, dispensing or transporting any illegal substance, or abusing any controlled substance on the premises of EDUWEB College, at any time. 

10. Being under the influence of or using alcohol during work hours. 

11. Failing to observe established fire, or safety practices, engaging in dangerous or potentially dangerous horseplay, or failure to report any personal injury sustained while on duty immediately. 

12. Neglect, carelessness or mischief, which results in loss, damage, breakage or destruction of property or supplies, equipment, facilities, materials or property of EDUWEB College staff, clients, fellow staff members or others, or which results/contributes to unsanitary conditions, or endangers the safety of others and college property. 

13. Interfering with or hindering work schedules; leaving the premises or one’s job area during working hours without notifying a supervisor and obtaining permission, or arranging your own replacement without the permission of your supervisor. 

14. Failure to follow proper Leave of Absence request procedures; falsifying reasons for Leave of Absence; not reporting to work after completion of an authorized leave.  

15. Acting in a manner that reflects a poor image in respect of the College’s  staff.

16. Fighting or attempting bodily injury to another person. 

17. Failure to perform job or work assignments satisfactorily, safely or efficiently. 

18. Disclosure of information of a confidential nature about an employee or customer.

19. Excessive tardiness and/or absences from work that are otherwise unprotected by law. 

20. Smoking is not permitted.

21. Dishonesty, attempted theft, or participating in any illegal activity.

22. Harassing (including but not restricted to sexual harassment), threatening, intimidating or coercing or interfering with staff members of EDUWEB College or clients.

23. Immoral conduct or indecency, exhibitionism, lewd or suggestive acts or conversations. Soliciting persons for immoral purposes of the aiding and/or abetting of any immoral or indecent behavior
Violation of the Code and/or similar areas may lead to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. The employment relationship may be terminated at any time with or without notice and with or without cause. The College reserves the right to address any circumstances in which an employee does not meet the expected standards of conduct. In such circumstances, corrective action may include counseling, verbal or written warnings, suspension or termination of employment depending upon the situation.

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