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The college will provide a way for students from diverse geographical areas to submit their assignments to the college. These scripts will be processed by college personnel and the marks forwarded to the relevant people.

What will be collected?
For some courses students are assessed based on an assignment. These assignments must be completed by the student and submitted to the college by the due date. The date and time that the assignments are collected will be recorded.

How will they be collected?
Students will be required to upload a soft copy of their assignment via the website. Once uploaded, the student will receive a confirmation and the date and time of the upload will be recorded. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their assignment is successfully uploaded. Students can contact the college’s website administrator if they experience technical difficulties.

Our Policy
The college will ensure that its website facilities are available.
Students and markers will be reminded about the college’s malpractice policy including plagiarism.
Once collected, the assignments will be sent to the course facilitator for marking.
Once the first marking is complete, the scripts will be sent to another qualified marker for a second marking.
Once this has been completed, the scripts and the marks will be collected and sent to the relevant awarding body according to their requirements.
All marking will be done based on the relevant marking scheme or as directed by the relevant awarding body.
All markers meet at the end of each semester to review a sample of exam papers where the marks awarded by the first and second markers varied.

The website ensure that assignments are collected quickly, conveniently and as securely as possible. The 2-stage marking process reduces the chance that the marks awarded to a student is biased. Soft copies of assignments are kept in the event of an appeal by a student. The soft copy is collected and stored in keeping with our data protection policy.

Effective January 1st, 2019

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