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Scope: This policy applies to the entire campus community.

Purpose: The Company seeks to provide a safe and healthful learning and working environment to its students, employees, and visitors.  The company recognizes that smoke is offensive to many non-smokers and there is evidence suggesting that passive smoke inhalation is harmful.  The Company also recognizes the desire of many smokers to continue to smoke as long as doing so does not interfere with non-smokers’ smoke-free environment.

It is the policy of the Company to follow all laws regarding smoking.  The smoking policy is in addition to any such laws that may be in effect.


The Company prohibits smoking in the following locations:

  • All indoor areas
  • Outside of buildings within 15 feet of any building entrance, air intake duct, or open window
  • Other designated areas


  1. Compliance: It is the responsibility of all members of the campus community to comply with this policy.  This policy relies on the thoughtfulness, consideration, and cooperation of smokers and non-smokers for its success.  Complaints regarding non-compliance should be directed to the lecturer and / or the Academic Support team for resolution.
  2. Education: The Company discourages smoking in any form.  Smokers are advised to seek out programmes designed to help you stop smoking.

Review: The Smoking Policy will be reviewed annually and is subject to revision to ensure the objective is satisfactorily being achieved.

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