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Scope: This policy applies to all persons at the College and to all persons attending any College sponsored activity at any other location.  


Ammunition means any material capable of being projected by or from a weapon.

Weapon means any instrument of offensive or defensive combat and any device designed or traditionally used to inflict harm or injury. Weapon includes but is not limited to explosives, firearms, bows, slingshots, switchblades, daggers, blackjacks, brass or metal knuckles, hunting knives, nunchaku (“nun-chucks”), dirk knives, bowie knives, star knives, sand clubs, razors, throwing stars and any device capable of projecting a ball, pellet, arrow, bullet, missile, shell or other material.  Weapon includes any object that could be reasonably construed as a weapon.  


Weapons and ammunition are potential safety hazards.  The possession, storage, use or display of weapons or ammunition is inappropriate in the college community for any reason other than protection of members of the community.

Weapons and ammunition shall not be possessed (regardless of whether a license to possess same has been issued to the possessor), stored, used or displayed at any College owned, leased or rented facility or at any College-sponsored activity at any other location.


  1. This policy does not apply to the lawful possession and storage of disabling chemical sprays
  2. This policy does not apply to currently licensed and commissioned law enforcement officers acting within the scope of their law enforcement responsibilities but only to the extent that they are legally permitted to possess such weapons and ammunition in this jurisdiction.
  3. This policy does not apply to persons in the military acting in the performance of their official duties but only to the extent that they are legally permitted to possess such weapons and ammunition in this jurisdiction.
  4. This policy does not apply to persons authorized by their employer, and licensed and legally permitted to possess weapons in this jurisdiction, but only if the employer is providing services to the College under a written contract approved in advance by the Board of Directors.  
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